Design philosophy

Hi, I'm Edward Wydler, a Product and UX designer currently living in London.

Co-founder and Product Director @ Heart Atelier & Fulby App 

Curriculum Vitae

With a love for technology and learning, I am always interested in new ventures, particularly exciting innovative web ideas. 

Designing any product is pointless if it doesn’t fulfil real users’ real needs. This process involves observing, engaging, and empathising with the people you are designing for in order to understand their experiences and motivations. This combined with their physical environment helps us have a deeper personal understanding of the issues, needs and challenges involved.


This process involves observing, engaging, and empathising with the people you are designing for to understand their experiences and motivations. This combined with their physical environment helps us have a deeper personal understanding of the issues, needs and challenges involved.

Two possible scenarios:
• Users want a result that they don’t have.
• Users have a result that they don’t want.


Remind yourself that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves

Assume we know nothing, set up experiments that help us learn about our users, their world and how they navigate this complex digital world.
We can then start putting together a plan
• Remove pain.
• Provide pleasure.


Prioritising someone else's experience over competing business needs requires self-control. It also can feel counterintuitive at times. By regularly evaluating decision-making this way, you'll be able to craft increasingly 'invisible design' that customers love.

Invisible design:
• Reduces or eliminates cognitive load for the user
• Doesn't distract users from achieving their original goal
• Prioritizes the success of the user above all other motivations
• Requires minimal input, but delivers maximum output (aka value)
• Results in an inherently intuitive experience